I have been HORRIBLE lately! What is my problem? Actually, I think I have a pretty good idea why I have been so bad. My eating freely on the weekends is catching up to me. Eating whatever I want on the weekend and then trying to get back on track during the week WASworking. But I have found myself getting further and further into each week before I get "back on track." I am back to wanting to eat everything in sight all day long. And my weight creeps higher and higher.
"Technically", I still haven't gone over my 136.6 but I have used every "trick" in the book to keep it under that number for my Saturday weigh in. This week, I decided it was time to get serious and get back on track. No more free weekends. I need to be eating right all week, not just on select days. That lasted until my kids brought home their Halloween treats...and it has been a DOWNWARD SPIRAL ever since!
I have to get back on track. I realize that one or two pounds isn't the end of the world. But it is the start of going back to where I was when I started this journey. I am super frustrated with myself right now. I had taught myself how to eat, what to eat, how much to eat. My little "weekends off" crap has thrown all of that right out the window! I want to "enjoy" food every day, not just weekends.
I know I am just rambling but I am really frustrated and sometimes getting things out helps. So there it is...the truth...out in the open. I am completely and totally falling back into old habits...and I HATE it! If only I could switch my love for food with my despise for exercise! THAT would be AWESOME!
Well, I better run...there is candy a few feet away calling my name...