Yup! I have so been wanting one of these but couldn't justify the expense so he gave it to me for our anniversary yesterday! Now I can really track how many calories I burn when I exercise instead of just guessing! I already used it today and I have to say I was a little disappointed. NOT disappointed with the watch, just the results. I wasn't burning as many calories as I thought I was! BUT I am GLAD that I know how many I am really burning now!
Oh, am I am really liking My Fitness Pal...in case anyone was wondering....
I love when hubby buys something because he knows I won't buy it for myself. So nice! I've been contemplating the hr monitor myself but I'm afraid I'll be disappointed by my burn as well. Guess it's better to know the truth though right? Glad you are enjoying MFP. I need to get back in the habit of tracking. Still fighting off the sickies and I just haven't felt like it...pure laziness on my part. Have a great weekend! Enjoy your new toy and Happy Anniversary...
cool watch! I know I probably judge the excersises wrong too. I am loving the fitness pal too. Did you decide to stick with putting your food in ahead of time?
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