Friday, February 6, 2009

Week 5, Day 2

Yesterday was my big weigh in. I lost 9 pounds! Yeah me! My weigh loss percentage added to my fat loss percentage was 6.4% which currently puts me in 2nd place. My husband is currently in 3rd place at 4.5%. The lady in the lead is at 7.8%.

On another note, I mentioned in an earlier post how eating right is so much more expensive. I think I have decided that it really isn't that much more expensive. The food costs more, but I eat a whole lot less. Instead of eating an entire box of $1.50 crackers just because they're there, I eat a .50 apple because it is a better choice. So in reality, I think eating more expensive food but eating less of it actually balances out.

Anyway, gotta run! Happy dieting...uh, I mean healthy eating!

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