Saturday, June 20, 2009


I have officially decided that menus work great for me. I haven't had a menu for a couple of days and I have pretty much sucked!! I do have to say though that we went out for dinner last night (yes, again) and my dinner that in the past would have been 18 points was only 9! So I am still being more careful but not fully into the hard core diet mode. With tomorrow being Father's Day, I decided I will start up again on Monday. I know, I know, make a life style change, not diet. But I really have made changes. I definitely am eating nowhere near what I was before. I just need to get back in the right frame of mind so I can take off that last 10 pounds. If I could bottle up motivation and sell it, I would be a millionaire before my next birthday!!

1 comment:

Angie said...

WOw you said a mouthful on that last statement! I would buy a bunch of it so maybe you should get considering it:)