I've already had my little bubble of excitement burst! Lately, I have been getting a lot of "you're too skinny" comments but most of them have been made in passing or by people who's opinions matter very little to me. My sister has been getting the same comments (she has also recently lost a lot of weight) so we call each other and vent our frustrations. First thing this morning, I called her to tell her that I was a size 4 because I knew she would be encouraging and supportive. She was so excited for me. This was going to be a good day! I was on such a high and she made it even better.
Then I talked to a good friend of mine. I didn't call her to tell her about my size but I was excited so I ended up telling her. She responded with "That is too skinny. That is like, anorexic skinny." And basically went on and on about how I was now too skinny. It really made me feel bad. I don't know if she reads this blog. I kind of hope not because my intent here is not to make her feel bad. It is more to bring awareness to people. I have worked my butt off! I have NOT starved myself. I eat exactly what Weight Watchers says I should eat. No I take that back, I ADD two points a day for exercising and I eat my extra 5 bonus points EVERY day. I don't have a separate menu I prepare for myself. I eat whatever my family eats. We have just made changes to our diet to include more healthy items and exclude the less healthy options.
Since I have been getting these comments lately, I was starting to feel a bit self conscious so I looked up my BMI on the computer. My ideal weight range is 118-159. Guess what? Mid point of that range is 138.5. I am currently 137.6! It seems like there is a 5 pound window that people think you need to be in to be "healthy". If you go over it, you're fat. If you go under it, you're too skinny. So next time you see someone who is "skinny" tell them they look great NOT that they look anorexic!
UGH! So irritating when people do that. Do they understand that they are being hurtful by comparing you to someone who has a mental and emotional disorder? Wow! I think that the "too skinny" comments also come because they are used to seeing you a certain way...and lets face it, most people don't like change. It points out to them that they can change too if they really want to, and it's easier to keep things the status quo. Shake it off, put on a smile and your size 4 pants and give your sister a hug!
I am proud of you and you look great. You and I both know that you have worked hard and done it the right way. I think it is really sad to label someone that exercises and EATS WELL as having a serious mental disorder. Keep up the good work to stay where you are at.
You look AWESOME!!!! And we can both just be 'to skinny' together!! It's all good!!
I am sorry that some people are immature with their comments. They dont realize the damage they do to an already struggling self esteem. I am so very proud of your accomplishments. I know you are doing whats right and eating great. Dont let people get you down. Just enjoy your journey because you got there the right way!!! I am hoping to join you someday. love ya!
Sorry I said that. I really wasn't trying to hurt your feelings. You really do look great. It's just that jealousy jean in me that I can't get rid of.
P.S. I would like to look too skinny or anorexic skinny.
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