Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"It's okay. I'll do better tomorrow."

That seems to be my motto as of late....and it's not a good thing. I just don't want to eat right. I decided a long time ago that a majority of weight loss success is having the mental commitment to doing it and I just don't have that right now. At my weigh in this morning, I "should" have been around 138. Instead, I was 144. Yeah, not good. I had decided to focus more on fitness which I have definitely increased, but not to the point it should be.

My eating...has been horrendous! And it's all mental. I'm not even hungry. I just see something yummy and think I have to have it. So I eat it. Solution? Don't eat it. Sounds easy. But it isn't. The thing that really stinks is that I can't even define a "trigger." A lot of people can say they eat because of this, this or this and they just need to get past their demons to get past their desire to eat. Me? I just like food. A lot.

So, I need to better. And I'll get right on that....starting tomorrow... :P


Tiffany said...

Been there. Sucky place to be. Healthy stuff doesn't have the appeal of crappy stuff unfortunately. Generally it takes about 3 weeks being off the junk before I don't really want it any more. I'm in the craving healthy stuff mode right now, which feels amazing, but I've been on the other side too. Keep trying is the only thing I can say :)

Angie said...

I so hear you the junk just looks so good. I don't think I ever have to have an excuse to eat. Like you I just love food. I am hoping to try something different my friend told me about. I dont know its just a hard battle. Hang in there your still lower on the scale then you were a couple years ago! Dont beat yourself up to much.