Monday, February 7, 2011

It's official....

I am OUT OF CONTROL!!! I need to nip this in the butt like NOW!! No more excuses. No more waiting.

"Oh, it's the Super Bowl party on Sunday. I'll wait until after that."

"Oh, Valentine's Day is coming. I'll wait until after that."

And then anniversary....March Madness....birthdays...Easter....

I'm not even going to post how much I have gained in the last week and a half but rest assured, it is PATHETIC!!!!! I can't even believe how stinkin' hard it is and long it takes to take weight off but how easily and quickly it comes back on! BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!!!!

I started out my day good. I exercised. Then I had a piece of homemade, whole wheat bread and a glass of juice (that equaled a serving of fruits and a serving of veggies). Go me! Then I ate leftover pizza and brownies from the party yesterday.....and it's only 8:25!!

No more excuses!! Change starts NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tiffany said...

Kick butt! You can do it. It is amazing how easily the weight comes back not fair :P

Angie said...

I am so like this and I think my family is sick of me. I dont know how many times I have told them I am going to start losing weight. Well after looking at a few pictures of myself recently its time. I am just really scared. Maybe we can help each other to stay on track! I know you can do it you have done it before! Let's get out there and do it!