Friday, February 5, 2010

Up for the challenge...I think

I was reading a weight loss blog ( and she has posted a challenge to go two weeks scale free. I decided that it is something I need to do. Lately, I have become obsessed with the dang thing! I will still have to do my Saturday morning weigh in with hubby but other than that - I'M GOIN' FOR IT!

On another note (but somewhat related believe it or not), I am so craving EVERYTHING lately! Every time I get in my car, I want to stop somewhere and grab a cheeseburger or a shake or both! When I go to the store, the chips and the candybars scream for me to buy them! Ugh! I know part of it is that I haven't been eating great lately so now putting that junk in my body, I just crave it more.

So what do the two have to do with each other? Well, we decided to have a party Sunday with all the treats (I know, not smart). I was thinking, "My weigh in is on Saturday. I'll do good this week, blow it on Sunday, and then do good the rest of the week to make up for it. It will be fine." But if I can't weigh in on a day to day basis, I won't know where I stand so hopefully, that will motivate me to NOT blow it on Sunday!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Yay, I'm glad you are going to go scale free! I am totally on the scale multiple times a day myself so this is a major test of my fortitude! I haven't taken the scale out of the bathroom but I am contemplating whether to leave it. I think it's a bigger test for me to leave it than put it up. Conquering the urge to "just see" really quick is the goal. We can do this!!
(Sunday should be interesting for me too...good luck)