Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Week 7, Day 5

I didn't realize it had been so long since I last posted! Life just got a little crazy and....blah, blah, blah.

Anyway, I made an interesting discovery this week. I have been slowly scaling back my daily points so I can lose weight faster. When I started, I had 22 points plus my 35 weekly flex points. I knew that 22 points wasn't going to cut it so I split the flex points up and gave myself 27 points a day. That was working well so I decided to gradually cut out the flex points until I was at 22 points per day. The guidelines say not to go below 20 points a day so I figured 22 was okay and I would lose weight even faster.

Not so much. I actually STOPPED losing weight. So then I wasn't sure what to do. I already felt like I was starving but I felt like my only option was to go down to 20 points.

Then I got talking with my sister. She said that she had seen an episode on The Biggest Loser where one of the contestants wasn't losing weight so the trainer had him increase his food consumption. He said he wasn't eating enough so his body was trying to conserve what little he was getting. It seemed counter intuitive but he tried it and lost 12 pounds that week. I figured, why not? At this point, I wasn't losing anyway. So I upped my points back to 27 and have lost 3 pounds in 4 days! Funny thing is (and I think I may have even posted about this in an earlier post) I have been harping on hubby telling him that he isn't eating enough and his body is going to go into starvation mode. For some reason, I didn't think the same applied to me!

We got a new scale yesterday. It is actually the same brand as the one used at hubby's work but it only measures weight, fat and water. I think it will be nice. If it is accurate, I have lost another 3 percent body fat! Yippee! Hubby will take it to work tomorrow for his weigh in and see how it compares to the scale at work.

Can I just say, I love all these little 100 calorie snack packs that are out there. I can still have a little treat but not worry about going crazy by not knowing the limits. I eat a package, and I am done. They are great!

1 comment:

Angie said...

You are kicking my butt on the weight loss thing! I am such a bad emotional eater that I have just been either gaining or staying where i am at on weight loss. So I am proud of you for keeping with it and getting it done! The 100 calorie snacks are great I love them:)Good luck this week!