Friday, November 6, 2009

Another milestone!!...(but I cheated)

Whoa!! I stepped on the scale today and I was in the 130's!!! Hello! I can't even remember the last time I was there! I'm guessing '92-'93-ish. Okay, okay, I have to admit, I kind of cheated. I volunteered at my son's school. It was 1:00 and I hadn't eaten since breakfast (7:00 this morning, a bowl of cereal). I got on the scale with a jacket on (I forgot I was wearing it) and weighed 140.8. So, I took the jacket off and then shed some other extra clothing to get down in the 130's but I figure my true weight would be without the clothes anyway!! Hip, hip, HOORAY for me!! We'll see what my weight is tomorrow at the weigh in but it was AWESOME to see those numbers actually register on the scale!

1 comment:

Angie said...

ya I dont think I know when I have ever weighed that much! I will never be that low because of my height. That is really cool though good job!