Saturday, June 13, 2009

In the dumps

I am having a really hard time getting motivated this time around. Why is being healthy such a dread? Okay, I don't dread BEING healthy, just what it takes to get that way. I haven't been doing real great, but not horrible either.

I have decided to do something I swore I would never do. I made up a menu to follow. The reason I have hated menus is because I think they are too restrictive. That is why I went with Weight Watchers because you can eat the foods you normally eat. This time around though, that is just not working. I eat way too many of my points early and have nothing left later in the day.

I am currently on day 2 of my menus. I have done okay. I figured if I got online and shared my menu and how I did, it would help me be more motivated to stick to it. This also gives me a better idea of the food groups I am eating rather than a snack pack here and an ice cream pop there to fill points. So here is yesterday:

(I get 22 points and I split my weekly points up into daily points giving me 27 points. For the first week or two, I try to be a little flexible so I don't get discouraged and give up from the get go.)

Breakfast: 1/2 cup milk, 1 ounce cereal, multi-vitamin (4 points)
Snack: 1 1/2 cups raspberries, snack pack (3 points)
Lunch: 2 pieces delight bread, 1 Tbsp peanut butter, fruit cup, V-8 (5 points)
Snack: mozzarella cheese stick, Fiber One bar (4 points)
Dinner: homemade pizza, crystal light (10 points)
Snack: fudge bar, fiber chewables (1 point)

How I did:
I skipped the fudge bar and ate a won ton that my hubby brought home from work. BUT, then I ate an ice cream sandwich (2 points) and a 1/3 of a donut (2 points). So, I went four points over but I actually exercised yesterday so I really only went over by two points in week 1. Oh, and I forgot my fiber (which according to the calculator is -1 point but I didn't figure that in to the menu points anyway, so still 2 points over). Not bad!

Today's menu:

Breakfast: 1 hard-boiled egg, 1 cup Frusion, multi-vitamin (4 points)
Snack: banana (2 points)
Lunch: Lean Cuisine, fruit cup (7 points)
Snack: 1/2 cup cottage cheese, Special K crackers (4 points)
Dinner: 1 cup Spanish rice, 1 oz cheese, 1 cup milk, 1 cup broccoli (9 points)
Snack: 3 cups air popped popcorn, fiber chewables (1 point)

So far, so good. I did have to switch the order around a bit because I took the kids to the movies and ice cream (and didn't eat anything). So now I'm down to dinner and snack!

1 comment:

Angie said...

I have had a really hard time sticking with motivating myself to eat the good stuff and not the bad. I need to figure out a way to do that. My sister is doing WW and she said a lady in there class said some people will have to do WW their whole lives and not be blessed with the once I get to my goal weight it will stay off feeling. I agree that I will probably be one of those people.