Wednesday, June 17, 2009



Breakfast: 1/2 cup milk, 1 oz cereal, multi-vitamin (4 points)
Snack: 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1 package Special K crackers (4 points)
Lunch: Egg Noodle soup, 5 saltine crackers (6 points)
Snack: banana, fudge bar (3 points)
Dinner: spam and beans, 1 cup cauliflower/broccoli (8 points)
Snack: 8 oz Frusion, fiber chewables (2 points)

My egg noodle soup ended up only being 4 points, so I had ten crackers. I found some turkey spam which really knocked the points down on dinner so I had three extra points. I used them for a glass of milk and a granola bar (which actually took me over by one point but I exercised so that's okay).

One thing that I know I need to do better at but for some reason really struggle with is keeping hydrated. I know that will help me be healthier (and eat less for that matter). I am guessing that a lot of the times that I think I am hungry, I am really just thirsty but my mind tells me to eat instead of drink. I think part of that is that I already feel like I use the bathroom a lot (cursed family bladder) so I am afraid to drink even more and have to go even more. Dumb reason to not keep myself hydrated, I know. I actually read somewhere that drinking ice cold water vs just cold water actually burns off a couple of calories. I don't know if it's true or not but it makes sense - you know that little dance that comes with brain freeze....?

About exercising. I did it yesterday but had to do it without weights because I was too dang sore! Why did I let myself go? I could have just kept exercising and not had to go through all this pain! UGH!! Well, I will be sore again today (I always have 2 days of soreness, the second is the worst) and then I will be back to normal tomorrow! When will I learn....?

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