Thursday, June 4, 2009

I found it!

Okay, so I found some motivation...that is, IF I can get my motivation motivated! I have decided I am a lot more competitive than I gave myself credit for and decided to get a friend to do another competition with me. The only problem is getting her not to quit before she starts!

I was doing some thinking last night. We went to an all-you-can-eat buffet last night. I didn't do as well as I should have because I figured I might as well enjoy myself before I get back to work (I did MUCH better than I have in the past though. I chose healthier options and didn't keep eating until I thought I would puke. I only refilled my plate once AND I only had ONE dessert). That got me to thinking, why does food have to be so dang enjoyable? In the past, when I have been successful, I have been able to change my mindset from "food is enjoyable, gotta have as much as I can fit into my body" to "food (at least in excess) is what makes me unhappy." I just need to figure out how to change that mindset!

Take last night for instance. When I have gone to these types of restaurants in the past, my mindset is "get as much as you can while you can get it" and "I have to get my money's worth." Money's worth of what? ...being fat and miserable? ...having no energy to do the things I love? ...getting one step closer to a heart attack? Why do we as a general rule even think that way? "I have to get as much out of this as I can..." Yeah, I may get more food, but in the end, I have done myself FAR more damage than good by eating all that food!

Getting that out helped! Maybe I'll have to print this one out and put it on my fridge! Food is required to sustain my life, nothing more, nothing less. I need to make choices that will sustain my life in a good way, and make me healthier and happier!

1 comment:

Angie said...

You should be a motivational speaker! I am serious you rock!