Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tools I

For me, I have three essential pieces of clothing for a good workout - a good sports bra, a headband, and good shoes.

First the bra. Obviously, this one only applies if you are a woman! I have worked out with the cheap sports bras from Walmart. I don't know if I got the wrong size or if they are just crappy, but when I get jumping around, the dang thing slides off! Yeah, that makes for a fun workout! And, I never really felt like it gave me good support anyway! Just because it says sports bra, doesn't really mean it is! So, I went and tried on a few bras. I jumped around, raised my arms in the air (basically, I was doing jumping jacks in the fitting room). But it has made a HUGE difference. I can't get on here though and say, buy this particular bra because I think it varies from person to person. My recommendation would be, TRY THEM ON!!

Okay, now to the headband. This is totally a personal thing, but I HATE having to push my hair out of my face all through a workout. And when you are sweaty and jumping around, the hair has a tendency to stick to your face...yeah, not fun. So I highly recommend a good "stay in place" head band.

Finally, a good pair of shoes is a must. I should have put this one first because I really think this is the most important. When I first started working out, I had a good pair of shoes, but they were walking shoes. They weren't designed for aerobics. I got horrible shin splints at first. After those went away, I would find that my legs were completely spent about 3/4 of the way through my workout. I was given a gift card so I went and bought some GOOD shoes specifically designed for aerobics and I cannot believe the difference they made! It was amazing! I was able to get all the way through my workout with legs that were less tired than half way through my workout with the old shoes! So get good shoes! Ask the salesperson for help. Make sure you get shoes that are designed for the type of exercise you will be doing. It will take so much stress off your legs and back. You will pay a little more but it is SOOO worth it!!

1 comment:

Angie said...

those are really good tips and I can vouch for the shoe part! They make such a huge difference:)glad you found a bra that fits!