Thursday, August 6, 2009

Diet Mistakes #5

#5 Sipping Too Many Calories

When counting calories, many of us tend to overlook what’s in our drinks. This is a big mistake when you consider that some fancy coffees and alcoholic beverages have more than 500 calories. Even the calories in fruit juice and soda can add up quickly. What’s worse is that liquid calories don’t curb hunger. You’re not going to eat any less after a high-calorie drink.

Again, not an issue here. I am not a flavored drink person. I do like juice and chocolate milk but knowing the chocolate just adds calories, I try to stay away from it and drink skim milk. I have mentioned in earlier posts that I do drink V-8 and V-8 Frusion to get my fruits and veggies in but I know I would be getting more for my points if I ate the actual fruits and veggies.

If you do favor flavored drinks, there are a lot of zero/low calorie alternatives: diet soda (I personally like diet A&W, and Sprite Zero), Powerade Zero, Crystal Light (and a whole bunch of generic versions), and FUZE Slenderize are all drinks that I have tried and liked. One tip with the Crystal Light (especially if you use generic) is to use less water than it calls for. This gives it a much better flavor.

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