Thursday, August 6, 2009

Diet Mistakes #9

#9 Weighing Yourself Every Day

Weighing yourself daily is a recipe for frustration and doesn’t yield useful information. It’s more important to look for a long-term trend with weekly weigh-ins. If your goal is to lose 1 or 2 pounds a week, you’ll be satisfied to see those full-pound drops when you step on the scale. The result is more motivating than the confusing swings that may accompany daily weigh-ins.

Okay, so this one is me to a tee. Not really. I actually weigh myself three or four times a day! I am SOOOO bad with this one! I will get so frustrated because the scale shows that I have gained a pound or two but I have actually lost weight at every official weigh in but one. I REALLY need to work on this one. I have tried. I think once I even made it for two whole days without weighing...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, You wouldn't even let me weigh in early! You stinker!!!