Thursday, August 6, 2009

Diet Mistakes #6

#6 Drinking Too Little Water

This is one of the simplest diet blunders to fix. Water is essential for burning calories. If you let yourself get dehydrated, your metabolism drags -- and that means slower weight loss. Research suggests adults who drink eight or more glasses of water per day burn more calories than those who drink less. So try adding a glass of water to every meal and snack.

I have a BIG issue with this one. I don't know what it is but I just cannot remember to drink water. I have tried every trick I have ever read (drink water with every snack and meal, keep a water bottle filled up so you can keep track of your drinking, ....). The biggest problem is then at night, I am so thirsty that I drink away and then I am up all night in the bathroom. Getting a good night sleep is another weight loss help! I really need to work on this one!

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